Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A breather from Wiki's

Well, while I build up my stamina to attack those Wiki's again let me present a picture to you all from a library colleague. Many of us may have encountered a similar start to the day.

Picture this. You wake in the morning, its slightly dark in the bedroom. After your morning ablutions you stumble back to the wardrobe to get dressed. Groping in the semi darkness you feel for your shoes, or in this case you knee length boots. Your put them on, thankful that the hard part of the morning is over, make sure the dog,cat,budgie whatever is out for the day then head off to work to your nice cosy academic library.

Tottering up the ramp to the library door you feel a little off balance, is the day going to be as good as you thought it was or is it some inner ear affliction you think affecting your demeanour.

Once inside it hits you, and all your library colleagues, that although you have a similar pair of boots at home to the ones you are currently wearing, its only because you are wearing noticeably odd boots. O.k., time to go home and start the day again with matching boots.

Thanks Julie for starting our day off so well. LOL.

1 comment:

nap said...

Why didn't you keep the mystery going?