Monday, October 22, 2007

Late entry

Well, its coming up to Melbourne Cup time, and juts like that I've got a late entry to my Blog. hopefully people won't scratch it, only themselves.

Just came across another article about social networking, on the web that is, in the newspaper The West Australian. Find it at

Seems to mention that in the second half of 2007 we Australians have increased our social networking and chat site usage by 37% over the first half, and that Faceboook is getting increased traffic and may overtake MySpace. However MySpace controllers claim the stats can be misleading, with Facebook traffic being only short timespan stuff.

Things rings bells, I think I've seen/heard an argument like this before. Yes! On the 4 corners programme about 2nd Life, detractors claim that although there are huge numbers of registered users of Second Life, the number of active users is actually only a small percentage of those.

So statistics can be manilpulated, but social networking has certainly got the companies behind the Faces ( pun intended) trying to protect their patches.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Not about Mashups

O.k., I'm diverting again off the scheduled part of the 23 things programme, and going backwards slightly.

I was checking out an article from the 'LibraryLink of the Day' I subscribe to via email, and came across a link to a very good article about Wikis and Blogs,

It covers qute well topics such as what are Wikis and Blogs, what benefits they have for businesses, and the types of techology and terminology used. Check it out, as it also gives some ideas of how some businesses have used these particular communication tools.

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm back onto the normal 23 Things trail. So you might have noticed that I have a nice new picture on my page, courtesy of the late and very great Charles M Schulz.
Its using the blogger add a page element functionality to add a picture. A bit basic as resizing the picture option would have been really handy. Someone let me know if it is, as I couldn't see anything other than shrink to fit, which was useless.

I'll go away and have another look at Flickr and Mashups next...