Monday, August 27, 2007

Music and Libraries

Well although this post doesn't relate to libraries, I was actually asked this question in a library, "who the heck is Budgie".

So I thought I'd follow something I was shown by a fellow ECU Blogger and post a link to a web page, in this instance the official MySpace page for Budgie,
So go and listen to a track or 2, and in particular one of my favourites 'BreadFan 2003', a live version of one of their earlier tracks.

I promise I'll get back to the reality of Learning 2.0 next post, but really isn't this what blogging is all about, putting things out their for others to look at and if they want, to comment on!

Remember that if you entered things under Interests on your personal blog profile, the links go through to other people with blogs that have listed similar interests.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 2&3

well, I've watched the video on Second Life and I must say that its like everything else we create, its made for profit. It has some interest on a basic, know how to meander in a virtual world kind of level, and if lucky interact with some like minded souls, but really, if you want anything extra you need to pay for it.

Why not just spend you money in the real world, even better go help some disadvantaged person.

As for this blog business, I wish it auto corrected my spelling. Blogs seem to be relatively one dimensional and in some ways a form of spam without people seeing it unless they wish to. Although it can be an avenue for people to vent their opinions and gain feedback which can be constructive. Possibly a step up from having an email list you send questions to, and then await a response. Or is it better???

Thursday, August 23, 2007


well, here 'tis, the start of the ramblings from a slighlty deranged librarian. Slightly? Some may question this description, but wait awhile and I'm sure as I progress with this blog business, and the Library 2.0 project we at ECU are embarking upon, I will become ever more 'slightly' deranged.

Here's to week 3...