Monday, August 27, 2007

Music and Libraries

Well although this post doesn't relate to libraries, I was actually asked this question in a library, "who the heck is Budgie".

So I thought I'd follow something I was shown by a fellow ECU Blogger and post a link to a web page, in this instance the official MySpace page for Budgie,
So go and listen to a track or 2, and in particular one of my favourites 'BreadFan 2003', a live version of one of their earlier tracks.

I promise I'll get back to the reality of Learning 2.0 next post, but really isn't this what blogging is all about, putting things out their for others to look at and if they want, to comment on!

Remember that if you entered things under Interests on your personal blog profile, the links go through to other people with blogs that have listed similar interests.


ELLE said...

I can't say I enjoy your taste in music, but a great source to check student queries. All birds seem to have a band named after them...
Good start to this blogging business...

Amazingthings said...

MySpace & YouTube are a great source of finding music from current bands

Roley, Amanda and Harry Myers said...

My uncle introduced me to Budgie - Rock on! PNG